Marcia A. Mardis, Ed.D.
Professor; Director, FSU Information Institute
Community Disaster Resiliency • Technician Education • Professional Identity Development • Educational Informatics
Dr. Marcia A. Mardis, Professor at the School of Information, is the Coordinator for Educational Informatics, and Director of the Information Institute. She is also research faculty at iDigInfo, served as CCI's Associate Dean for Research 2018-2024, and chaired the FSU Council of the Associate Deans for Research (CADR) 2022-2024. Her research intersects learning resources, high-speed networking, community disaster resiliency, and workforce development with particular emphases in educational and community informatics, curation, STEM learning, and educational data mining
Dr. Mardis has been PI, Co-PI, and/or senior personnel on many NSF and IMLS grants totaling over $25 million and has led federally-funded research projects continuously since 1999.
In the wake of Hurricane Michael's substantial damage to FSU's region, Dr. Mardis leveraged deep local relationships and moved strongly into the translational research area of community disaster resiliency. Collaborating with Panhandle public libraries and county governments, Marcia has had projects in the NSF Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC) program and funded by IMLS. In these projects, Dr. Mardis has led an interdisciplinary team from engineering, social work, medicine, and geography, in collaboration with numerous county and state partners.
Marcia's other recent research has been funded by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education program and has, to date, centered on school-to-career pathways for IT technicians and advanced manufacturing technicians. This work builds on her related research in professional identity development and librarians and information technicians.
In 2022, Dr. Mardis will be the Fulbright Research Chair at the University of Alberta (Canada) Faculty of Education . From 2010-2015, she was a Distinguished Research Fellow at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) at the National Science Digital Library, leading research efforts that centered on Open Education Resource (OER) metadata and paradata analysis, curation policy, sustainability, educational data mining, learning analytics, and resource quality assurance and is currently a President's Fellow at Internet2 where she is researching the affordances of gigabit networks for K-12 learning. In fall 2013, Dr. Mardis was a Visiting Professor at the iSchool at Charles Sturt University (Wagga Wagga NSW AU) where she worked closely with faculty to develop their exciting new Master's degree in Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation.
The lead author of the internationally-recognized AASL National School Library Standards, Marcia was also one of the authors of the AASL's prior Standards for the 21st Century Student Learner, and was an advisor to the New Media Consortium's K-12 Horizon Report. She has published books on OER curation and STEM learning and currently is the author of The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts and Practices, the most widely used school library collection development textbook in the world. Dr. Mardis also developed Web2MARC, a web appliance for automatic metadata generation for digital learning resources. The API spin-off of Web2MARC was forwarded commercialization with seed money provided by FSU's Office of Commercialization and the National Science Foundation's I-Corps Teams entrepreneurial training program.
Prior to joining the faculty at FSU, Dr. Mardis was an Assistant Professor at Wayne State University's School of Information Science (2005-2008); an Advanced Networking Researcher and Program Manager for the University of Michigan's Merit Network (1998-2005); director of Michigan Online Resources for Educators (MORE), one of the nation's first and most established digital libraries for educators (1999-2008); a lecturer for graduate-level information science, research methods, and educational technology courses at Eastern Michigan University's College of Education and the University of Michigan's School of Information (1999-2008); and director of libraries and speech activities at The Keystone School for Science and Mathematics in Texas and two schools in Michigan (1986-1998).
- Eastern Michigan University, Ed.D., Educational Research and Leadership, 2005
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Master's in Information Science, 1992
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Bachelor of Arts, History, 1990
- Michigan Professional K-12 Teaching Certification, School Media and History endorsements, 1992 (current)
Research Interests
Community Disaster Resilience; Technician Education; Professional Identity; K-12 STEM; Broadband; Educational Informatics
Teaching Interests
collection development, curation, digital libraries, youth and school library media, research methods, project management, grantwriting
Publications & Research
Please see http://www.fsu.edu/cvdb/MMARDIS.rtf for a somewhat recent CV. My ORCID is 0000-0002-2209-1498.
Grants & Awards
Please see http://www.fsu.edu/cvdb/MMARDIS.rtf for a somewhat recent list of funded research.
Expertnet Profile