Carla Wood, Ph.D
Professor, School Director
Continuous external grant funding since 2007
Over 85 Publications
The research in my lab aims to improve language and literacy outcomes for children from diverse backgrounds including children with differing abilities as well as children from diverse socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds. To this end, we strive to engage in collaborative research and practice with scientists from interdisciplinary backgrounds; provide training and leadership development opportunities for next generation scholars; and disseminate evidence-based practice to varied stakeholders including local educational agencies, practitioners, and families of children.
- BA, 1992; University of Kansas, Spanish and Speech-Language-Hearing Pathology
- MA, 1994; University of Kansas, Speech-Language Pathology
- PhD, 2005; University of Kansas, Speech-Language Pathology CCC-SLP
Research Interests
Multilingual learners with and at risk for disabilities
Teaching Interests
Grant Writing, Doctoral Leadership, Bilingual Language and Literacy, Team Science, Research Tools, Developmental Disabilities
Publications & Research
Most Recent Publications
- Wood, C., Torres-Chavarro, M., Tibi, S., Schatschneider, C., Ke, F. (2025). Computer delivered morphology-focused vocabulary instruction: A pilot study. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Available Open Access: https://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/2024_AJSLP-24-00319
- Garcia-Salas, M. & Wood, C. (2024). Fostering dialogic reading through older siblings in immigrant Latino families: A pilot study. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
- Puhlman, J. & Wood, C., (2024). Comparing deaf/hard-of-hearing children’s oral narratives using movies and static books. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education.
- Guynes, K. & Wood, C., (2024). Professional issues in the interpreted education of deaf and hard of hearing students. American Annals of the Deaf, 169(3), 262-283.
- Wood, C., Garcia-Salas, M., Schatschneider, C., & Torres-Chavarro, M., (2024). Morphological complexity in writing: Implications for writing quality and patterns of change. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology
- Fumero, K.,Wood, C., Phillips, B. (2024). Supportive language strategies for preschool dual language learners: Associations with early language outcomes. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 67, 101-110.
- Hall-Mills, S. & Wood, C., (2023). Complex syntax production in informational writing by students with language impairment from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Topics in Language Disorders, 43(4), 333-348.
- Garcia-Salas, M., Wood, C., Wanzek, J., Schatschneider, C. (2023). Second-grade teachers’ use of praise during ELA instruction: Frequency, types, and differences. Education and Treatment of Children, 46, 121–134.
- Hines, K,, Wood, C., Fumero, K. (2023). Go, going, goed: Relation between verb tense errors and reading comprehension skills in English Learners. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 1-9.
- Wood, C., Garcia-Salas, M., Schatschneider, C. (2023). Examination of an automated procedure for calculating morphological complexity. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 32(5), 2322-2330.
- Wanzek, J., Wood, C., Schatschneider, C. (2023). Teacher vocabulary use and student language and literacy achievement, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(9), 3574-3587.
- Lugo, V., Wood, C., Tores-Chavarro, M., & Garcia-Salas, M. (2023). Barriers to graduate applications: Perspectives of undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds in communication science and disorders. Perspectives, 1-12.
- Wood, C., Lugo, V., Garcia-Salas, M., & McCormack, W. (2023). Team science training for communication science and disorders programs. Teaching and Learning in Communication Science and Disorders Programs, 7(2), 8.
Grants & Awards
Current Externally Funded Projects
Wood, C., Guynes, C. Tibi, S., Chavarro, M., Ke, F., & Smith-Guynes, K. (2023). Stepping-Up Technology for Morphological Awareness Pathway to Reading (MAP-R). July 2023-June 2028. Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education. H327S230007, $2,300,000 Funded July 1, 2023
Wood, C. (July, 2023) 325.R Office of Special Education Programs, TEO, Team-based Enhanced Outcomes. Personnel Preparation for Related Service Personnel, Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education. $1,500,000 Role: PI
Wood, C. (July, 2023) 325.D Office of Special Education Programs, TP-3. Team-based Research & Teaching to Prepare Experts in Language, Literacy, and Learning. Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education. $2,500,000 Role: PI
Phillips, B., Cabell, S. & Wood, C., Johnson, L.,& Petscher, Y. (2022). Exploring Malleable and Meaningful Factors in Preschool Teachers’ Talk Related to Children’s Language Outcomes. Institute of Education Sciences (IES). U. S. Department of Education. Exploratory Grant. $1,400,000 Funded July, 2022
Wood, Catts & Barton-Hulsey (2019) Triple L: Leadership in Language and Literacy. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Submitted July 2019. Funded October, 2019. H325D190011
Wood, C., Brown-Cross, D., Alexander, A., Root, J., Whalon, K., Barton-Hulsey, A., & Therrien, M. (2019). KiDDs K-12 Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Preparing Personnel to Serve Children with High-Intensity Needs with a Focus on Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. CFDA 84.325K U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Submitted July 2019 in Partnership with FAMU Allied Health Department. Funded October, 2019. H325K190022
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