Denise Gomez
I worked as a Media Specialist in Elementary for 7 years, taught high school TV Production for 3 years, owned and managed a tea room for 3 years, then taught high school TV Production for another 3 years after selling the business. I am working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Information Institute and am looking to attain a doctorate in Information...and hope to work in higher education in the future.
Anticipated 2024 Ph.D., Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
2020 M.S.I., Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
2006 M.S. Ed. Media, Nova Southeastern University, FL. 1996 B.S., Communications, Florida International University, FL.
Research Interests
Libraries | Travel | Literature | Education
Grants & Awards
ALISE 2020 Best Conference Paper Award Recipient: Mardis, M. A., Pickett, S. M., Jones, F. R., Gomez, D., Tenney, C. S., Leonarczyk, Z., & Nagy, S. (accepted, 2020). Librarians as natural disaster stress response facilitators: Building evidence for trauma-informed library education and practice. Refereed Conference Paper. ALISE Annual Conference, Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).
National Boards Educational Media Certification, 2007