Faye Jones
Faculty Researcher II
Faye R. Jones is a Research Specialist II at the College of Communication & Information at Florida State University. Her research interests include STEM student outcomes and the exploration of student pathways through institutional research and data analytics. Dr. Jones is Associate Director for the FSU Information Institute where she serves as Co-Principal Investigator on several federally-funded research grants including the NSF project Backtracking CTE Pathways: Deconstructing critical junctures in 2-year IT programs. Dr. Jones’ research interests also include exploration of college-to-career success of underserved populations in STEM fields. Dr. Jones is Co-PI of the FSU STARS Alliance, a project to broaden participation of minorized students in computing and is an advocate for increasing Latino representation at postsecondary institutions, especially among graduate students and tenure-track faculty; she believes that higher education institutions must provide a culture of belongingness that allows Latinos/Hispanics to be their authentic selves. She engages youth in STEM and is director of Black Men in Tech, and co-director of FSU iCamp, programs funded by the Army Educational Outreach Program to increase the engagement of rising 9th through 12 grade students in Information Technology. Faye is a proud veteran of the United States Army, where she served in the enlisted ranks and then as an officer for 8 years. She enjoys political debate and received a B.S in Political Science in 1998, returned from the military to earn a Master’s in Public Administration in 2002, and a doctorate from the Higher Education program in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies in 2011, all from her alma mater, FSU. She is a former fellow of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) and the Association for Institutional Research (AIR).
2011 PhD, Educational Leadership, Policy, & Higher Education, Florida State University
2002 MPA, Public Administration, Human Resources, Florida State University
1998 BS, Political Science, Florida State University
Research Interests
STEM Pathways, CTE Pathways, Employment Outcomes, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Marginalized Populations in Computing, Information Science, & Engineering (CISE)
Teaching Interests
Grant Writing; Quantitative and Mixed Methods
Grants & Awards
2010 Mover and Shaker Award, Florida State University
1994-97 Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Army Good Conduct Medal, Army Guard Reserves Components Achievement Medal, Korea Defense
Service Medal, Army Overseas Ribbon, Army NCO Professional Service Ribbon, and Army Service Ribbon.
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