Kaylin Lane
Doctoral Student and Graduate Assistant
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Public Relations (Spring 2025)
Graduate Teaching Assistantship Courses:
Introduction to Mass Media (current); Communication Research Methods; Introduction to Public Relations; Writing Media Criticism; Media Techniques; Convergent Media Writing;
- Ph.D. in Communication Theory and Research, Florida State University, (on-going)
- M.S. in Communication, Illinois State University, 2023
- B.S. in Public Relations, Illinois State University, 2021
Research Interests
Political Economy of Media; Crime Representations in the Media; Popular Culture; Mass Communication
Teaching Interests
Political Economy of Media; Media Representations; Public Relations
Publications & Research
Peer-reviewed Publications:
Ray, E. C., Merle, P. F., & Lane, K. (2024). Generating credibility in crisis: Will an AI scripted response be accepted? International Journal of Strategic Communication, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2024.2435494
Lane, K., & Thomas, H. S. (2022). Targeting an audience: A discussion of relevant variables and a testing of priming. Communication Teacher, 37(2), 93-99. https://doi.org/10.1080/17404622.2022.2070647
Conference Presentations:
Lane, K. (2025, April). It’s a Monster alright: A critical political economy of media analysis of Netflix’s continuation of the Monster series [Paper presentation]. Southern States Communication Association, Norfolk, VA.
Park, S., Lane, K., & Ferchaud, A. M. (2024, November 21). I’m not too sure about this “teletherapy” thing: Examining uncertainty reduction theory and teletherapy [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association 110th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Ray, E. C., Merle, P. F., & Lane, K. (2024, March 11). Sticking to the script: Can AI craft credible crisis responses? [Paper presentation]. International Crisis & Risk Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
McHale, J. P., & Lane, K. (2023, July 14). The Jeffery Dahmer nightmare: A comparative analysis of biopic and documentary [Paper presentation]. University Film & Video Association, Savannah, GA.
Wilson, M., Lane, K., & Godinez, E. (2023, April 1). “I’m tired, don’t talk to me”: An analysis of Zoom fatigue and communication apprehension in online learning [Paper presentation]. Central States Communication Association, St. Louis, MO.