Kristen Guynes
Teaching Faculty II
"Dr.K" is a full-time faculty instructor, teaching a rotation of six ASL and related courses. Prior to this position, she worked with Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students in public schools for ten years, as an educational interpreter, DHH teacher, and coordinator for a public school DHH program. Her primary research interest is educational sign language interpreting, and she currently serves as the Publications Director for the National Association for Interpreters in Education (NAIE).
BA - Sign Language & Deaf Studies (2003)
MS - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education (2009)
PhD - Special Education: Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2016)
Licenses and Credentials
American Sign Language Teaching Certification: ASLTA (national); FL, MS, SC
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teaching Certification: CED (National); FL, GA, MO, MS, SC, TN, WI
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) National K-12 Educational Interpreter Certification (EIPA:4.0)
American Sign Language Proficiency Interview: Advanced
Research Interests
Educational Sign Language Interpreting, Deaf Education, ASL
Teaching Interests
American Sign Language and Deaf Education
Publications & Research
Guynes, K. (2020) ASL does not Prevent LSL: Addressing the Misinterpretations of Research. Erie, CO: National Association of Interpreters in Education (NAIE).
Guynes, K., Griffin-Shirley, N., & Brown, D. (2020). Content Validation of the Educational Interpreter Roles and Responsibilities (EIRR) Guiding Checklist. Journal of Interpretation.
National Association of Interpreters in Education (2019). Meet the National Association of Interpreters in Education (NAIE). Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Views, 4(36), 24–25. https://issuu.com/ridviews/docs/november19_views
Guynes, K. (2019). A Paradigm Shift in Educational Interpreting: Acknowledging the Power and Responsibilities of Related Service Providers (RSPs). Erie, CO: National Association of Interpreters in Education.
Brown, S., Guynes, K., & Tuttle, J. (2019). Professional Guidelines for Interpreting in Educational Settings (1st ed.). Erie, CO: National Association of Interpreters in Education.
Smith, K. R., Wolbers, K. A., & Cihak, D. F. (2015). Effects of Language Intervention versus Traditional Interpretation for a Deaf Preschool Child: A Pilot Study. Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies, & Hearing Aids, 3(4), 1-10.
Grants & Awards
FSU CCI Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award – April, 2019
FSU CCI Undergraduate Faculty Teaching Award – November, 2018