Nancy Everhart, Ph.D.
Nancy Everhart is a professor and international scholar and consultant. She was a Fulbright Scholar to China in 2019 and served as President of the American Association of School Librarians in 2010-2011.
- B.S.—Kutztown University
- M. Ed.—University of Central Florida
- Ph.D.—Florida State University
Research Interests
Impact of Technology on the Leadership Role of the School Librarian; Evaluation of School Media Library Centers; Persons with Autism in Libraries
Teaching Interests
Information Literacy, Multimedia Production
Publications & Research
- Everhart, N. (2021). Evaluating the School Library Media Center: Analysis Techniques and Research Practices,2nd ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
- Everhart, N., & Anderson, A. (2020). Academic librarians’ support of autistic college students: A quasi-experimental study. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102225
- Everhart, N. & Anderson, A. (2020). Research participation and employment of persons with autism spectrum in library and information science: A review of the literature. Library Leadership and Management, 34(3). https://doi.org/10.5860/llm.v34i3.7376
- Xie, J., Ke, Q., Cheng, Y., & Everhart, N. (2020). Meta-synthesis in library & information science research. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102217
- Everhart, N. and Escobar, K. (2018). Conceptualizing the information-seeking of college students on the autism spectrum through participant viewpoint ethnography. Library and Information Science Research. 40 (3-4) 269-276.
- Anderson, A., Everhart, N. and Woods, J. (2019). Autism and online recruiting methods: A comparison of Mechanical Turk and discussion forums. First Monday. 24, doi: 10.5210/fm.v24i9.10105.
- Everhart, N. and Johnston, M.P. (2018). Meta-ethnography and its potential for theory building in library and information science. Library and Information Research. 41(125) 32-44.
- Everhart, N. (2017). Education for teacher-librarians in Germany. School Libraries Worldwide 23 (2) 39-45
- Everhart, N. (2017). A concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) assessment of the readiness for school librarianship education in Germany. Buch und Bibliothek 68 (1) 56-59.
- Everhart, N. (2017). Professional growth through international associations, pp. in School Librarianship: Past, Present, and Future. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield.
- Everhart, N. and Johnston, M.P. (2016). A proposed theory of school librarian leadership: A meta-ethnographic approach. School Library Research 19. Available: http://www.ala.org/aasl/slr/volume19/everhart- johnston>
- Anderson, A.M. and Everhart, N. (2015). Project PALS: Ensuring success in libraries for patrons with autism. Teacher Librarian 43 (2) 24-25.
- Mardis, M. A., & Everhart, N. (2015). The promise and challenge of digital textbooks for K-12 schools: The case of Florida's statewide adoption. pp. 320-374 in Eric Bruillard, Mike Horley, & Jesús Rodríguez (Eds.), Digital Textbooks in Schools Today. What's New? IARTEM/University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Kang, J.H. and Everhart, N. (2014). Culture and context in the mandated implementation of digital textbooks in Florida and South Korea. School Libraries Worldwide 20 (2) 28-37.
- Kang, J.H. and Everhart, N. (2014). Digital textbooks: School librarians' stages of concerns in initial implementation. Information Research 19 (2) Available: http://www.informationr.net/ir/19-2/paper625.html#.VBxZI-d_wnc
- Mardis, M. and Everhart, N. (2014). Stakeholders as reearchers: A multiple case study of using cooperative inquiry to develop and document the formative leadership experiences of new school library professionals. Library and Information Science Research 36 (1) 3–15.
- Everhart, N., and Mardis, M. (2014). What do stakeholders know about school library programs? Results of a focus group evaluation. School Library Media Research 17 Available: http://www.ala.org/aasl/slr/volume17/everhart-mardis
- Mardis, M.A. & Everhart, N. (2013). School-based technology integration and school librarian leadership, pp.123-134 in School Libraries Matter: Views from the Research. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
- Mardis, M.A. & Everhart, N. (2012). From paper to pixel: The promises and challenges of digital textbooks for K-12 schools, pp. 93-118 in Orey, M., Jones, S.A., & Maribe Branch, R. (Eds.), Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2012. New York: Springer.
- Everhart, N. & Mardis, M.A. (2010). In the district or on the desktop: The school librarians’ leadership role in school networking, pp. 173-186 in Orey, M.K., Jones, S.A., & Maribe Branch, R. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2011. New York: Springer.
Grants & Awards
Honors and Awards
- Fulbright Scholar (2019)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Research Stay for Senior Academics and Scientists (2016)
- Exceptional Accomplishments Award – Florida State University, Office of Faculty Recognition (2015)
- School Librarianship Award. International Association of School Librarianship for contribution to the national development of school libraries and services the U.S. and internationally. (2012)
- Leadership Certificate Award. Florida State University Quality Enhancement Plan: LEAD. (2006)
- Takeshi Murofushi Research Award, International Association of School Librarianship. (2005)
- Judy Pitts Research Mentor Award, Indiana University School of Library and Information Science and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (2002)
- Professional Development Award, Pennsylvania School Librarians’ Association (1993)
- Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Association For Library and Information Science Education (1991)
- HEA Title II-B Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education (1989)
- Madge Hutcherson Fellowship, Florida State University, School of Library and Information Science (1988)
- Microcomputer in the Media Center Award, American Association of School Librarians (1988)
- First Place, Apple Merit Competition, Apple Computer Corp. (1987)
- Outstanding Library Media Center Program, United States Department of Education (1987)
- Everhart, N. & Woods, J. Project A+. Funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, (2016-2018). Total award $382,650.
- Everhart, N. & Woods, J. Panhandle Area Library Services. Funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, (2013-2016). Total award $581,945.
- Everhart, N. Panhandle Area Library Services. Funded by Council for Research Creativity, Florida State University, (2012-2013). Total award $14,000.
- Everhart, N. & Mardis, M. Pennsylvania Impact Study. Funded by The Institute for Museum and Library Services (2011-2012). Subcontract award: $15,000.
- Mardis, M. and Everhart, N. I-CPALMS. Funded by The National Science Foundation (2010-2012). Total award $2.5 million.
- Everhart, N. & Mardis, M. Teaching with Primary Sources Program Evaluation. Funded by The Library of Congress (2011-2012). Subcontract award: $10,000.
- Everhart, N. Leadership in Action: School Library Media Specialists for the 21st Century, Leaders Educated to Make a Difference. Funded by The Institute for Museum and Library Services (2008-2011). Total award $754,755.
- Everhart, N. 1-2-3 LEAD: School Library Media Specialists Educated to Make a Difference. Funded by The Institute for Museum and Library Services. (2006-2009). Total award $943,052.
- Dresang, E.T. (PI). Co-investigators: Everhart, N. & Spector, M., I-CELTIC: Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of School Libraries in Education Funded by Florida State University CRC IDS. (2005-2006). Total award $25,000.
- Everhart, N. Project LEAD: School Library Media Specialists Educated to Make a Difference. Funded by The Institute for Museum and Library Services. (2005-2006). Total award $159,926.
- Everhart, N. Takeshi Murofushi Research Award. Funded by the International Association of School Librarianship. (2005). Total award $500.
- Signer, B. (PI). Co-investigators: Everhart, N., Maschlack, M.A., & Saldana, B., Web-Based Professional Development for Catholic School Teachers. Funded by the New York City Board of Education. (2003-2006). Total award $400,000.
- Signer, B. (PI). Co-investigators: Everhart, N., Maschlack, M.A., & Saldana, B., Web-Based Professional Development for Catholic School Teachers. Funded by the New York City Board of Education. (1999-2002). Total award $200,000.
- Everhart, N., Research Grant. Funded by the Association of Specialized and Cooperative and Library Agencies, American Library Association. (1998). Total award $1000.
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