Richard Morris
Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty Advancement
BA 1978; Michigan State University, Audiology & Speech Pathology
MA 1982; Memphis State University, Audiology & Speech Pathology
PhD 1986; University of Florida, Speech-Language Pathology
Research Interests
Voice and Acoustics Laryngeal Biomechanics; The Singing Voice; Acoustic and Physiologic Phonetics; Therapeutic Communication and Counseling; Gerontology and Speech; Orofacial Malformations; and Resonance Problems
Teaching Interests
Anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism, Laryngeal biomechanics and their disorders, Therapeutic communications, Speech measurement and instrumentation, and Developmental changes in communication with aging
Publications & Research
Recent Publications
- Morris, R. J., Gorham-Rowan, M. M., Fowler, L. P., Norman, J. K., & Florack, K. C. Perceived effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on voice production in normal speakers. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology.
- Morris, R. J., LoVetri, J., Berkum, D., & Ternström, S. (2012). Acoustic comparisons of a youth chorus singing in three vocal registers and two dynamic levels. Journal of Voice, 26, 30-36.
- Fowler, L. P., Awan, S. N., Gorham-Rowan, M. M., & Morris, R. J. (2011). An Investigation of Fatigue, DOMS and Spectral/Cepstral Measurements in Healthy Speakers Post- NMES. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 120, 641-650.
- Morris, R. J., Gorham-Rowan, M. M., & Harmon, A. B. (2011). The effect of initiating oral contraceptive use on voice: A case study. Journal of Voice, 25, 223-229.
- Morris, R. J., & Harmon, A. B. (2010). Describing voice disorders. In. J. S. Damico, N. Müller, & M. J. Ball (Eds.), The handbook of language and speech disorders. Blackwell Publishers, pp. 455-474.
Recent Presentations
- Gorham-Rowan, M. M., Paoletti, K., & Morris, R. J., (June, 2013). Effect of a tapered rehearsal schedule on voice in choir singing. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA.
- Morris, R. J. & Gorham-Rowan, M. M. (November, 2013). Using NMES in voice therapy for muscle tension dysphonia. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Chicago, IL.
- Morris, R. J. & Gorham-Rowan, M. M. (June, 2013). Using NMES in voice therapy for muscle tension dysphonia. Paper presented at Cutting Edge Laryngology, London, UK.
- Dolly, C. & Morris, R. J. (March, 2012). Female singers' acoustic and physiologic adjustments during register shift. Paper presented at Florida State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Tallahassee, FL.
- Gorham-Rowan, M. M., Morris, R. J., & Fowler, L. P. (May, 2012). Acoustic effects of neuromotor electrical stimulation after a vocal loading task. Paper presented at the Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Acoustical Society of China, Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, and Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics. Hong Kong, Peoples Republic of China.
- Kachra, D., Fitzpatrick, A. M., Gorham-Rowan, M. M., Fowler, L. P., & Morris, R. J. (February, 2012). Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on blood lactate levels. Paper presented at the Georgia Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
- Morris, R. J. (May, 2012). Voice disorders and the singing voice. Voice Symposium, Guangzhou, 6th Annual Laryngology and Voice Symposium, Guangzhou City, China.
- Morris, R. J., Okerlund, D., & Dolly C. (October, 2012). Acoustic and physiologic measures of register transitions sung by females. Paper presented at the 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, MO.
- Morris, R. J., Okerlund, D., & Dolly, C. (April, 2012). Registration in the female singing voice across triads. Paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America, Tampa, FL.
- Morris, R. J., Okerlund, D., & Dolly, C. (November, 2012). Registration in the female singing voice across triads. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Morris, R. J., Okerlund, D., Jewell, J., & Schroeder, E. (November, 2012). Female singers’ acoustic and perceptual adjustments during register shift. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Rubin, P., Emerson, C., & Morris, R. J. (April, 2012). Listeners’ perceptions of passaggio transition gestures by trained female singers. North Florida Conference on Communication Disorders. Tallahassee, FL.
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