Sindy Chapa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Director of the Hispanic Marketing Center
Dr. Sindy Chapa is an FSU School of Communication Associate Professor and the Director for the School’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication (HMC).
With over 10 years of teaching experience, Chapa has taught marketing courses in the U.S., Mexico and Chile. Previously she worked as an Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets at The School of Journalism & Mass Communication at Texas State University (TSU) since 2008.
While at TSU, Chapa served as organizing committee co-chair for two Assessing The State of Spanish-Language & Latino-Oriented Media International Conferences. Global scholars from universities in Barcelona, Colombia, Mexico and Puerto Rico as well as the U.S. gather annually to present their research work, findings, and theories. The conference typically covers topics about marketing communication, telecommunication policies, media adoption and culture, among others.
At FSU, Chapa plans to continue her research, which focuses on the effect of advertising strategies on Latino consumers. She will be teaching Hispanic Marketing Communication in the fall semester.
Chapa earned a Ph.D. in International Business from University of Texas-Pan American, M.B.A. from the University of St. Thomas in Texas and a B.A. in Mass Media Communications with a minor in television and art design from Valle Del Bravo University in Mexico.
- Ph.D. 2007, University of Texas - Pan American, International Business/Marketing
- MBA, 1999; University of University of St. Thomas
- BA, 1996; Valle Del Bravo University, Mass Media Communications, Minor in Television and Art Design
Research Interests
Advertising Strategies targeting the Latino Communities in the U.S. Gender and Advertising, Political Advertising, Advergames
Teaching Interests
International Advertising, Promotional Strategy, Hispanic Consumer Behavior Marketing Management, Integrated Marketing Communication Research Methods, and Music Marketing and Media Communication Campaigns Political Advertising
Expertnet Profile