![Zhe He profile picture CCI FSU Tallahassee FL](https://directory.cci.fsu.edu/files/2024/04/avatar_user_514_1712173934-150x150.jpeg)
Zhe He
Associate Professor & Interim Director for the Institute for Successful Longevity
Dr. Zhe He is an Associate Professor in the School of Information and Interim Director of the Institute for Successful Longevity at the Florida State University. In iSchool, Dr. He directs the eHealth Lab. He also holds courtesy appointments with the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine in the College of Medicine, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Statistics. Dr. He is Director of the Biostatistics, Informatics, and Research Design Program (BIRD) of UF-FSU Clinical and Translational Science Award. His research lies in the intersection of biomedical and health informatics, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics. The overarching goal of his research is to improve population health and advance biomedical research through the application of informatics using electronic health data from heterogeneous sources.
He has published over 120 papers in leading biomedical informatics venues (JAMIA, JBI, JMIR, etc.) and received a number of prestigious recognitions, including (1) two Distinguished Paper Awards of AMIA 2015 and AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium (AMIA 2015 paper and AMIA 2017 paper), (2) 2nd Place Student Paper Competition of AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium, (2) paper selection in "AMIA 2014 Informatics Year In Review" (AMIA 2013 paper), (3) finalists of the Student Paper Award of AMIA 2015 Summit on Clinical Research Informatics and MEDINFO 2015, and (4) paper selection in "Clinical Research Informatics 2016 Year in Review" (JBI 2016 and AMIA 2015 paper). As Principal Investigator, Dr. He has been funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM)/NIH, National Institute on Aging (NIA)/NIH, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Eli Lilly and Company, Amazon, NVIDIA, FSU Council on Research and Creativity, and Institute for Successful Longevity. He is an Associate Editor of BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making and BMC Digital Health. He received early promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in 2020. He is a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA). In 2022, he received Lois Lunin Award from the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T).
- Postdoctoral Training. 2015: Columbia University, Biomedical Informatics
- Ph.D. 2014; New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Computer Science
- M.S. 2009; Columbia University, Computer Science
- B.E. 2007; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Computer Science
Research Interests
Dr. He has broad interests in biomedical and health informatics, clinical research informatics, knowledge discovery, and ontology-based data analytics. On the foundational track, he is developing semantic and structural methods to enhance controlled terminologies/ontologies and improve their utility in natural language processing, clinical decision support, data analytics, and electronic health records. On the application track, his research aims to improve the representation of underserved population subgroups in clinical studies such as older adults with multiple chronic conditions. Another line of his research is to bridge the terminology gap between health information consumers and health professionals. He has published in the following topics:
- Quality assurance of biomedical ontologies (e.g, domain ontologies in BioPortal)
- Quality assurance of controlled vocabularies (e.g., SNOMED CT, UMLS)
- Data-driven conceptual content enrichment for ontologies/terminologies (e.g., SNOMED CT, NCIt)
- Clinical trial generalizability assessment and improvement
- Consumer Health Vocabulary
Teaching Interests
Health Information Technology, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Database Management Systems
Publications & Research
Selected Publications (All Publications)
Zhe He, Shubo Tian, Arslan Erdengasileng, Neil Charness, Jiang Bian. Temporal Subtyping of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Medical Conditions Preceding Alzheimer’s Disease Onset in Electronic Health Records. AMIA 2022 Informatics Summit. 2022; 2022: 226-235. PMID: 35854753. PMCID: PMC92851183 [Link]
- Zhe He, Arslan Erdengarsileng, Aiwen Xing, Xiao Luo, Neil Charness, Jiang Bian. How the clinical research community responded to the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the COVID-19 clinical studies in ClinicalTrials.gov. JAMIA Open. 2021; 4(2): ooab032. PMID: 34056559. PMCID: PMC8083215 [medRxiv] [JAMIA] [PMC]
- Zhe He, Jiang Bian, Henry Carretta, Jiwon Lee, William Hogan, Elizabeth Shenkman, and Neil Charness. Prevalence of Multiple Chronic Conditions Among Older Adults in Florida and the United States: Comparative Analysis of the OneFlorida Data Trust and National Inpatient Sample. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2018; 20(4): e137. PMID: 29650502. PMCID: PMC5920146. [Link] [PubMed] [PMC]
- Zhe He, Arturo Gonzalez-Izquierdo, Spiros Denaxas, Andrei Sura, Yi Guo, William R. Hogan, Elizabeth Shenkman, Jiang Bian. Comparing and Contrasting A Priori and A Posteriori Generalizability Assessment of Clinical Trials on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Proceedings of AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium. November 4-8, 2017. Washington DC. pp. 849-858. PMID: 29854151. PMCID: PMC5977671. [PDF] [PMC] (Distinguished Paper Award; three awards were selected from 105 accepted paper and 266 paper submissions) [Award Certificate] [Live Picture] [CCI News]
- Zhe He*, Patrick Ryan, Julia Hoxha, Shuang Wang, Simona Carini, Ida Sim, and Chunhua Weng. Multivariate analysis of the population representativeness of related clinical studies. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2016;60:66-76. PMID: 26820188. [ScienceDirect] [PubMed] [PDF]
- Zhe He, Praveen Chandar, Patrick Ryan, and Chunhua Weng. Simulation-based Evaluation of the Generalizability Index for Study Traits. Proceedings of AMIA 2015 Annual Symposium. November 14-18, 2015. San Francisco, CA. pp.594-602. PMID: 26958194 (Distinguished Paper Award News Article) [PDF] [PubMed]
- Zhe He, Simona Carini, Ida Sim, and Chunhua Weng. Visual aggregate analysis of eligibility features of clinical trials. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2015;54:241-255. PMID: 25615940. [ScienceDirect] [PubMed] [PDF]
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Zhe He, Shubo Tian, Ankita Singh, Shayok Chakraborty, Shenghao Zhang, Mia Liza A. Lustria, Neil Charness, Nelson Roque, Erin Harrell, Walter R. Boot. A Machine-Learning Based Approach for Predicting Older Adults’ Adherence to Technology-Based Cognitive Training. Information Processing and Management. 2022; 59(5): 103034.
Michael O. Killian, Seyedeh Neelufar Payrovnaziri, Dipankar Gupta, Dev Desai, and Zhe He. Machine learning-based prediction of re-hospitalization in pediatric organ transplantation recipients. JAMIA Open. 2021; 4(1): 1-10.
- *Seyedeh Neelufar Payrovnaziri, Zhaoyi Chen, Pablo Rengifo-Moreno, Tim Miller, Jiang Bian, Jonathan H. Chen, Xiuwen Liu, and Zhe He. Explainable artificial intelligence models using real-world electronic health record Data: a systematic scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2020; 27(7): 1173-1185. PMID: 32417928. [Free Access Link] [PubMed]
- *Seyedeh Neelufar Payrovnaziri, Aiwen Xing, Shaeke Salman, Xiuwen Liu, Jiang Bian, and Zhe He. Assessing the Impact of Imputation on the Interpretations of Prediction Models: A Case Study on Mortality Prediction for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. AMIA 2021 Informatics Summit. Virtual. March 22-25, 2021. pp. 465-474. [medRxiv] [AMIA]
- *Laura A. Barrett, *Seyedeh Neelufar Payrovnaziri, Jiang Bian, and Zhe He. Building Computational Models to Predict One-Year Mortality in ICU Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Post Myocardial Infarction Syndrome. AMIA 2019 Informatics Summit. March 25-28, 2019. San Francisco, CA. pp. 407-416. PMID: 31258994. PMCID: PMC6568097. (Finalist of the Student Paper Award) [Preprint] [AMIA] [PMC] (Media Report)
Consumer Health Informatics
Zhe He, Balu Bhasuran, Qiao Jin, Shubo Tian, Karim Hanna, Cindy Shavor, Lisbeth Garcia Arguello, Patrick Murray, Zhiyong Lu. Quality of Answers of Generative Large Language Models Versus Peer Users for Interpreting Laboratory Test Results for Lay Patients: Evaluation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2024;26:e56655. doi: 10.2196/56655. PMID: 38630520 [Link]
- Yu Lu, Laura A. Barrett, Rebecca Lin, Muhammad Amith, Cui Tao, and Zhe He. Understanding Information Needs and Barriers to Accessing Health Information Across All Stages of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting. 2022;5(1):e32235. doi: 10.2196/32235. PMID: 35188477 [JMIR]
- *Biyang Yu†, Zhe He†, Aiwen Xing, and Mia Liza Lustria. An Informatics Framework to Assess Consumer Health Language Complexity Differences: Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020;22(5):e16795. [Link]
- Lynette Hammond Gerido , Xiang Tang , Brittany Ernst , Aisha Langford, and Zhe He. Patient Engagement in Medical Research among Older Adults: Analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2019;21(10):e16222 [Link]
- Zhe He*, Zhiwei Chen, Sanghee Oh, Jinghui Hou, and Jiang Bian. Enriching consumer health vocabulary through mining a social Q&A site: a similarity-based approach. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2017;69:75-85. PMID: 28359728 [PubMed] [ScienceDirect] [PDF]
- Min Sook Park, Zhe He*, Zhiwei Chen, Sanghee Oh, and Jiang Bian. Consumer's Use of UMLS Concepts on Social Media: Diabetes-Related Textual Data Analysis in Blog and Social Q&A Sites. JMIR Medical Informatics. 2016; 4(4):e41. PMID: 27884812 (Park MS and He Z are equal-contribution first authors) [JMIR] [PDF]
Quality Assurance of Biomedical Terminologies / Ontologies
- Ling Zheng†, Zhe He†, Duo Wei, Vipina Keloth, Jung-Wei Fan, Luke Lindemann, Xinxin Zhu, James Cimino, and Yehoshua Perl. A review of auditing techniques for the Unified Medical Language System. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2020; 27(10): 1625-1638. PMID: 32766692. PMCID: PMC7566540 [Free Access Link] [PMC]
- Vipina K. Keloth, Zhe He, Gai Elhanan, and James Geller. Alternative Classification of Identical Concepts in Different Terminologies: Different Ways to View the World. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2019; 94. 103193. PMID: 31048072. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103193. [PubMed] [Link]
- Muhammad F. Amith†, Zhe He†, Jiang Bian, Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura, and Cui Tao*. Assessing the practice of biomedical ontology evaluation: Gaps and opportunities. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2018;80:1-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2018.02.010. PMID. 29462669. (†: equal-contribution first authors) [FSU CCI News] [ScienceDirect] [PubMed]
- Christopher Ochs, Zhe He, Ling Zheng, James Geller, Yehoshua Perl, George Hripcsak, and Mark Musen. Utilizing a Structural Meta-Ontology for Family-Based Quality Assurance of the BioPortal Ontologies. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2016;61:63-76. PMID: 26988001. [ScienceDirect] [PubMed][PDF]
- Zhe He, James Geller, and Yan Chen. A comparative analysis of the density of the SNOMED CT conceptual content for semantic harmonization. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2015;64(1):29-40. PMID: 25890688. [ScienceDirect] [PDF] (Invited Talk at IHTSDO Implementation SIG Webinar [Slides] [Video]) (#14 Hottest Article April - June 2015)
- Zhe He, Christopher Ochs, Ankur Agrawal, Yehoshua Perl, Dimitrios Zeginis, Konstantinos Tarabanis, Gai Elhanan, Michael Halper, Natasha Noy, and James Geller. A Family-Based Framework for Supporting Quality Assurance of Biomedical Ontologies in BioPortal. Proceedings of AMIA 2013 Annual Symposium (AMIA 2013) , November 16 - 20, 2013, Washington D.C. pp. 581-90. PMID: 24551360. [PubMed] [PDF] [Talk Slides] (Featured in "AMIA 2014 Year in Review")
Grants & Awards
Research Grants
Precision HIV Prevention: Piloting a Youth Learning Health Community (R21MH137736)
- Program: R21/R33 (RFA-MH-24-100: Precision HIV Health: Integrating Data and Implementation Science to Accelerate HIV Prevention and Treatment)
- Sponsor: National Institute on Mental Health / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 9/2024 - 8/2029
- Total Amount: $801,110
- Role: MPI (Contact PI: Sylvie Naar)
- Goal: The proposed approach to optimizing intervention implementation is the integration of data science, implementation science, and the science of engagement into a Youth Learning Health Community (Y-LHC).
- Program: R21/R33 (PA-21-164: Using Innovative Digital Healthcare Solutions to Improve Quality at the Point of Care)
- Sponsor: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [NIH RePORTER]
- Date: 4/2024 - 3/2029
- Total Amount: $1,014,336
- Role: Contact PI (MPI: Mia Lustria)
- Goal: The goal of this project is to design, develop, and evaluate a patient-facing tool LabGenie to help older adults better understand lab test results with tailored question prompts and visualization so they would be more confident in discussing their results with providers and better engage in healthcare.
- Project Website: https://sites.google.com/view/labgeniefsu/
Towards an AI-Assisted Application for Lab Result Comprehension for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions
- Program: FSU ISL Planning Grant
- Sponsor: FSU Institute for Successful Longevity
- Date: 5/2022 - 5/2024
- Total Amount: $25,000
- Role: PI
Prediction of Health Outcomes and Adverse Events in Pediatric Organ Transplantation in Florida (R21LM013911)
- Program: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (R21)
- Sponsor: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 2/2022 - 1/2024
- Total Amount: $395,020
- Role: MPI (Contact PI: Michael Killian)
SHARE Program: Innovations in Translational Behavioral Science to Improve Self-management of HIV and Alcohol Reaching Emerging Adults (P01AA029547)
- Program: NIH Research Program Project Grant (P01)
- Sponsor: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 9/2021 - 8/2026
- Total Amount: $6,478,937
- Role: Co-I (MPI: Sylvie Naar/Karen MacDonell)
Establishing Technology-Facilitated Measurement-Based Care for Rural Veterans through VA and Community Partners (P16024).
- Sponsor: Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Rural Health (ORH) / University of Iowa
- Date: 10/2021 - 09/2022
- Total Amount: $377,700
- Role: Co-I (FSU Site PI: Matthew Bryan Howren; PI: Carolyn Turvey)
Innovations in Big Data and Implementation Science to End the Youth HIV Epidemic in Florida
- Sponsor: National Institutes of Health / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Date: 09/2020 - 08/2022
- Total Amount: $249,080
- Role: Co-I (PI: Sylvie Naar)
Optimizing Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trial Generalizability (R21AG061431-02S1)
- Program: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (R21) Administrative Supplement
- Sponsor: National Institute on Aging / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 04/2020 - 11/2022
- Total Amount: $370,814
- Role: Contact PI (MPI: Jiang Bian at University of Florida)
Embedding-Based Knowledge Graphs for Critical Biomedical Applications
- Program: Collaborate Collision Seed Grant
- Sponsor: FSU Office of Research
- Date: 08/2020 - 9/2021
- Total Amount: $24,835.85
- Role: Co-PI (PI: Xiuwen Liu, Co-PI: Zhe He, Chao Huang)
Trajectories of Medication Adherence in Pediatric Organ Transplantation and Their Relationship to Posttransplant Health Outcomes (R21AI148849)
- Program: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (R21)
- Sponsor: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 06/2020 - 05/2024
- Total Amount: $423,500
- Role: Senior Personnel / Informatics Advisor (PI: Michael Killian)
A Pilot Study of mDOT for Immunosuppression Medication Adherence in Adolescent Heart Transplant Recipients
- Program: Collaborate Collision Seed Grant
- Sponsor: FSU Office of Research
- Date: 05/2020 - 04/2021
- Total Amount: $12,883
- Role: Co-PI (PI: Michael Killian)
- Program: NIH Research Grant Award (R01)
- Sponsor: National Institute on Aging / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 08/2019- 03/2025
- Total Amount: $2.9 million
- Role: Contact PI (02/2024-03/2025); Co-I (AI Co-Lead) (08/2019-03/2025) (MPI: Walter Boot, Shayok Chakraborty)
Posttransplant Health Outcomes in Pediatrics Organ Transplantation
- Program: Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s (CTSI) Precision Health Initiative Pilot Award
- Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (Parent UL1TR001427)
- Date: 12/2019 - 12/2020
- Total Amount: $40,834
- Role: Co-PI (MPI: Michael Killian)
- Program: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (R21)
- Sponsor: National Institute on Aging / National Institutes of Health
- Date: 01/2019 - 11/2022
- Total Amount: $422,382
- Role: Contact PI (MPI: Jiang Bian)
Measuring Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Benchmarking Utilization Using the OneFlorida Consortium Data
- Program: Planning Grant
- Sponsor: Institute for Successful Longevity, Florida State University
- Date: 05/2018 - 05/2019
- Total Amount: $15,500
- Role: Co-PI (PI: Henry Carretta)
Testing a New Approach for Academic Work Evaluations
- Program: Small Business Innovation Research Awarded to Pevals LLC; FSU subcontract
- Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
- Date: 09/2017 - 08/2018
- Total Amount: $20,000
- Role: Co-PI (PI: Minjing Tao)
VATEC: A Visual Analysis Tool of Qualitative Eligibility Criteria of Clinical Studies
- Program: AWS Cloud Credits for Research
- Sponsor: Amazon Inc.
- Date: 12/2016 - 12/2017
- Total Amount: $1,200
- Role: Principal Investigator
Assessing the Representation of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions in Cancer Clinical Trials
- Program: Planning Grant
- Sponsor: Institute for Successful Longevity, Florida State University
- Date: 05/2016 - 05/2018
- Total Amount: $15,500
- Role: Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Henry Carretta)
Towards Data-Driven Assessment of the Population Representativeness of Clinical Trials
- Program: First Year Assistant Professor Award (FYAP)
- Sponsor: Council on Research and Creativity, Florida State University
- Date: 05/2016 - 08/2016
- Total Amount: $20,000
- Role: Principal Investigator
Resource and Travel Grants
Developing Data-Driven Tools for Assessing the Population Representativeness of Clinical Trials
- Program: Amazon Web Services Research Grant
- Sponsor: Amazon Inc.
- Date: 12/2015 - 12/2016
- Total Amount: $2,000
- Role: Principle Investigator
- Project Title: Accelerating Data-Driven Biomedical and Health Informatics Research with GPU
- Amount: $1,200
- Date: 02/2018
Provost's Travel Grant, Provost's Office, Florida State University
- Purpose: Attending American Medical Informatics Association 2017 Annual Symposium
- Amount: $823
- Date: 11/2017
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Materials Grant
- Sponsor: Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, Florida State University
- Date: 11/2016
Provost's Travel Grant, Provost's Office, Florida State University
- Purpose: Attending American Medical Informatics Association 2016 Annual Symposium
- Amount: $1,000
- Date: 11/2016
Provost's Travel Grant, Provost's Office, Florida State University.
- Purpose: Attending American Medical Informatics Association 2015 Annual Symposium
- Amount: $1,000
- Date: 11/2015
- 2022 Lois Lunin Award, the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), June 2022
- Fellow of American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA), May 2022
- 2022 Outstanding Faculty Research Award, College of Communication & Information, Florida State University, April 2022
- Best Interdisciplinary Research Award, 2021 Aging and Health Informatics Conference, December 2021
- 2021 Faculty Leader/Builder Award, College of Communication & Information, Florida State University, April 2021
- Co-advisor and co-first author of the 2nd place paper in the Student Paper Competition, AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium, November 2019
- 2018-2019 Outstanding Faculty Research Award, College of Communication & Information, Florida State University, April 2019\
- Distinguished Paper Award of AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium, November 2017 [CCI News]
- 2016-2017 Outstanding Faculty Research Award, College of Communication & Information, Florida State University, April 2017
- Travel Grant, NSF South Big Data Hub, September 2016
- Travel Grant, NIH Future Research Leaders Conference, Bethesda, MD, September 2016
- Two Papers Featured in Clinical Research Informatics 2016 Year in Review, March 2016 [Link]
- Runner Up, Most Interesting Preliminary Results Paper Award, iConference 2016, March 2016
- Travel Grant, Transatlantic Data Science Workshop, Bethesda, MD March 1-2, 2016
- Distinguished Paper Award of AMIA 2015 Annual Symposium ([Official Announcement] [Certificate] [News Article]), November 2015
- Provost's Travel Grant (to present my paper in AMIA 2015), Florida State University, September 2015
- MEDINFO 2015 Student Paper Award Nominee, August 2015
- AMIA 2015 Summit on Clinical Research Informatics Student Paper Award Nominee, April 2015
- Paper Featured in the "2014 Informatics Year in Review", November 2014 [Link]
- Top Poster Award, 2014 Columbia University Postdoc Research and Career Symposium (One of the three awards among over 50 postdoc presenters)
- Outstanding Leader Award 2013 - 2014, New Jersey Institute of Technology (One award is given annually)
- Distinguished College Graduate of Beijing (10 out of over 400 graduates majored in Computer Science at BUPT )
Expertnet Profile