Dawn Betts-Green
Adjunct Professor
Dawn Betts-Green is an Adjunct Professor and a proud alumna of the Point Foundation LGBTQ Scholars Program.
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
- Doctorate in Library and Information Studies, 2019
- Master of Science in Library and Information Studies, 2014
- Youth Services Certificate, Library and Information Studies, 2013
- Bachelor of Arts with honors in Women’s Studies, minor: Religion, 2011
- Bachelor of Arts in Religion, minor: Women’s Studies, 2011
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, minor: Latin, 2011
Research Interests
Information seeking behaviors of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning) youth, LGBTQ young adult and children’s literature, intellectual freedom, banned and challenged books, comics and graphic novels, social justice librarianship, radical librarianship, young adult and children’s literature and librarianship, rural and small public libraries in the U.S. South, librarianship in the U.S. South, information behaviors of low income patrons (especially in rural library settings), information needs of diverse populations
Teaching Interests
Diversity in Children's and Young Adult Literature, Social Justice Librarianship, Information Needs of Diverse Users, Graphic Novels
Publications & Research
- Dissertation: "We Could Do Better": The Presence, Absence, and Librarian Perceptions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Resources in Small and Rural Libraries in Alabama
- Research Collaboration with Dr. Don Latham, Summer 2015-Fall 2017, LGBTQ Graphic Novels
- Completed and successfully defended Honors Thesis for the Women’s Studies Program, “Visions of Womanhood: Submission, Purity, and Femininity in Modern Evangelical Movements”
- Betts-Green, D. (2020). "We could do better": Librarian engagement in LGBTQ collection development in small and rural libraries in the Southern U.S. Public Library Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/01616846.2020.1737493
- Betts-Green, D. (2019). Eulogy for Gomer. In Darci McFarland (Ed.), Bible Belt Queers.
- Betts-Green, D. (2018). [Review of the book Automating inequality: How high-tech tools profile, police, and punish the poor by V. Eubanks]. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, and Inclusion, 2(4).
- Ndumu, A., & Betts-Green, D. (2018). First impressions: A review of North American LIS program websites. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, and Inclusion, 2(3).
- Betts-Green, D., & Latham, D. (2017). Drawing queerness: Evaluating notable LGBTQ graphic novels for teens. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 8.
- Betts-Green, D. (2016). Health through collaboration: Feminist health history. [Review of the book More than medicine: A history of the feminist women’s health movement by J. Nelson]. Feminist Collections, 37(4), 6-7.
- Betts-Green, D. (2014, October 4). Top ten LGBTQ books the younger me desperately needed. [Blog post]. Available at https://nerdybookclub.wordpress.com/2014/10/ 04/top-ten-lgbtq-books-the-younger-me-desperately-needed-by-dawn-betts-green/ [Guest post]
- Betts-Green, D. (2009). Visions of womanhood: Submission, purity, and femininity in modern evangelical movements. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Women’s Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. [Available through FSU libraries]
Grants & Awards
Honors and Awards
- Point Foundation LGBTQ Scholar, 2016-2019
- iSchool Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, 2018
- iSchool Outstanding Graduate Lead Instructor Award, 2017
- Finalist, 3 Minute Thesis Competition, Florida State University, 2017
- iSchool Outstanding Graduate Lead Instructor Award, 2016
- Florida State University Graduate Fellows Society Inductee, 2016
- Beta Phi Mu International Library and Information Studies Honor Society Inductee, 2014
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Inductee, 2014
- Golden Key International Honor Society Inductee, 2013
- Eta Sigma Phi National Latin and Greek Honor Society Inductee, 2010
- Seminole Torchbearer Inductee, 2010
- Nominee, Kingsbury Undergraduate Writing Award, 2010
- Bess Ward Honors Thesis Award, 2009
- Mentored Research and Creative Endeavors Award, 2009
- Featured Star Student on campus.fsu.edu, December 2009
Grants and Scholarships Awarded
- 2018 Esther Maglathin Doctoral Research Scholarship, $1000
- 2017 Esther Maglathlin Doctoral Research Scholarship, $1000
- Point Foundation Scholar, varies per year; continuous through graduation
- 2015 Lewis-Marxsen Fellowship Endowment, $1000
- 2014 Jacqueline D. Montgomery Scholarship in Information Studies (Awarded to graduate students with interests in needs, access, and use of information resources and services by underserved populations), $1000
- Summer 2009 Mentored Research and Creative Endeavors Award, Florida State University Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors Office, Research and living expenses, $1000
- Spring 2009 Bess Ward Honors Thesis Award, Florida State University Honors Office, Materials and research expenses, $425